Client Reviews

  Client Reviews

Evelyn Chou

Trip Review: This trip was better than I ever could have imagined!

Most Memorable Moment: There are too many, but probably being able to see a cheetah on our last day in Samburu and then a leopard the day we arrived in Maasai Mara. Two elusive creatures that were so majestic to see in person.

Advice For Future Clients: It is hot all the time in Samburu and chilly in the mornings/evenings, but comfortable during the day in the Mara. Packing for a range of temperatures is a must!

Traveled To:
July 2024


Trip Review: Great itinerary supported by a detailed plan made the trip exciting and stress free. Vanessa had detailed knowledge of the lodges and experiences available, which created an experience we all enjoyed.

Most Memorable Moment: Definitely the visit to the "Migration" even with the long drive.

Advice For Future Clients: Work with your guides. They want to make sure you see and experience what East Africa offers.

July 2024

Debby and Jim Carlton

Trip Review: The Trip from start to finish was a wonderful once in our lifetime experience. Thank you!

Most Memorable Moment: MAY 24th thru JUNE 7th!!! So many great memories!!

Advice For Future Clients: Listen to Vanessa, and Enjoy every minute of the trip!

July 2024

Mindy Houck

Trip Review: This trip was all that I ever dreamed it would be and so much more!

Most Memorable Moment: Levy driving our jeep full speed as a pack of wild dogs were running on all sides of us chasing an impala!

Advice For Future Clients: Don't wait book it now!

July 2024

Christine Rushlow

Trip Review: Fantastic sightings of animals, plants, sunrises, sunsets. Great experiences at each lodge/reserve. Wonderful memories.

Most Memorable Moment: Seeing the rhinos with their horns intact - one in Zimbabwe and one in South Africa.

Advice For Future Clients: Tell the guides up front what is your most desired sighting. In our case it was rhinos since we had not seen them on a previous safari in Tanzania. In one instance the guide chose to follow wild dogs (rare) instead of stopping for rhinos we saw on the way, but if I had told him up front rhinos were the most important to us, he might have stopped.

July 2024

Angie Walker

Trip Review: We loved every bit of this trip and would not change a thing!

Most Memorable Moment: Seeing a young male leopard try to fight and eat a porcupine in Botswana! The porcupine won by the way!

Advice For Future Clients: Go on bush walks! We were able to get close to rhinos, giraffes and elephants. It’s a whole different experience seeing these beauties from the ground. You will never forget it.

July 2024

Shannon Mitchell

Trip Review: We visited Vic Falls and 3 safari camps in Botswana. Each offered a different experience—all of them were enjoyable in their own way. I immediately felt that Susan understood what we were looking for and got us everything we wanted within our budget.

Most Memorable Moment: Okavango Camp-nature walk- seeing the lions and a herd of Cape buffaloes on foot.

Advice For Future Clients: Visit multiple camps with different ecosystems!

July 2024

Diane Nicosia

Trip Review: Loved our trip to Africa! Excellent guidance from planning to execution.

Most Memorable Moment: When the elephants came to our patio at our room. They were eating the shrubs. Scary but thrilling!

Advice For Future Clients: Take advantage of the knowledge and connections that African Portfolio has to offer. Worth it to spend extra money for peace of mind!

July 2024

Allyson Jaffe

Trip Review: Best trip we have ever taken!

Most Memorable Moment: Too many to choose...but watching our children become engrossed in engaged with their surroundings was an amazing thing to see.

Advice For Future Clients: Call Victoria from African Portfolio and ask her to plan your trip!

July 2024

Rhonda Willoughby

Trip Review: The whole trip was very well planned, and we had such an amazing time and saw so many animals

Most Memorable Moment: That is really hard to say as there were so many. I think I loved all the lion experiences the best but I also loved all the elephants and how they are just so graceful.

Traveled To:
June 2024

Jules Bradley

Trip Review: Our trip was simply amazing and exceeded all expectations. The way that Vanessa structured the trip made it feel like 6 separate mini-vacations; safari, Victoria Falls, safari, Cape Town, safari and ending with 4 days on the beach. In planning our trip, Vanessa was always responsive, patient and knowledgeable. We never felt rushed. She listened to our wishes and provided both support and guidance. We will be forever grateful to Vanessa for helping us plan the trip of our lives. Every detail was covered and there were never any problems. All of our transfers were on time, cheerful and very helpful. All of the accommodations were incredible and the food was outstanding.

Most Memorable Moment: It is very hard to pick just one memorable moment. Chobe Game Lodge had elephants, elephants and more elephants. Victoria Falls was truly a natural wonder. Bomani Tented Lodge had large elegant tents that created a true camping experience. Our first sighting at Bomani, which was on the drive from the air field, was two beautiful male lions. Will always remember the candlelight dinner in the bush next to the watering hole filled with a herd of elephants. And at Sabi Sabi Little Bush we were able to see all of the Big Five during just one game drive.

Advice For Future Clients: Don’t sweat any of the details, African Portfolio will have them all covered.

June 2024

Linda Elam

Trip Review: Enjoyed the entire experience!

Most Memorable Moment: Sunrise, hearing birds come to life. And going to sleep listening to hippos.

Advice For Future Clients: Ask questions. The guides really come to life with participation from the guests.

Traveled To:
June 2024

Abby and Irwin Rosenblum

Most Memorable Moment: My most memorable time on safari was the night at Gomoti Plains when we were taken out to the grasslands for a moveable feast. Every aspect of the evening was wonderful, including the moment not long into the party where we all piled into four jeeps and raced off to see the elusive cheetah with her fresh kill. Then back to the bonfire where the staff of around 20 people entertained us with singing and dancing that was so beautiful that I tear up every time I recall it. So joyful and so expressive and real. What a way to bring our safari experience to a close. The long communal table, the candles, the lanterns, the fire, the food and the wonderful staff made for a memory I will always cherish. Irwin can't pick one, thoroughly loved everything about the trip.

Advice For Future Clients: Three nights per camp seemed perfect. Tents were preferable to lodges. Take advantage of all experiences available by request, including walking safaris and mokoro, etc. Make wishes known upon arrival. Packing light worked really well though nobody ever weighed our bags anywhere.

June 2024

Maura Carlin

Trip Review: Logistics were generally smooth. All of the guides were excellent.

Most Memorable Moment: Seeing all of the animals that we hoped to see.

Advice For Future Clients: Bring Imodium. Less time in Cape Town, although the rain was probably a factor.

June 2024

Nancy and David Ment

Trip Review: Everything worked beautifully from the moment we arrived in Cape Town until we left to return home. All the arrangements and accommodations were exactly as planned. Yvette planned two previous safaris for us ten and twelve years ago. This time we wanted to take our granddaughter and knew we could count on Yvette.

Most Memorable Moment: Following a pack of wild dogs over several days.

Advice For Future Clients: Stick with a trusted planner like African Portfolio.

June 2024

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